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Aishath Afaa Mohammed

Do you ever sit and think… what if? What if you never said the first hello? What if our paths never crossed? What if you kept you mouth shut and just let things pass, or what if you would have said just one more thing? What if you had five more minutes? What if you could turn back time or make it all just stand still? What if you could say i love you one more time or NEVER had said it all? Where would your life be?

Regardless of whether you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them… it matters not. Because once they enter your life, whatever you were to the world, they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without even speaking, you know that your own life is consumed by their love. We love them for a million reasons; it is a thing, an indescribable feeling.

Kiss is not just a kiss, it’s something that’s so much more. When it ignites every passion inside you and makes you weak at the knees, when you’re left sweating cause you are hot but the air conditioner is on, when your pressure rises and you’re healthy as an ox, when your mind that was racing is now blank, when the world stops and all you hear are two hearts beating, then you’ve been kissed with a kiss that’s truly a kiss.

I can’t get you out of my mind, I keep thinking of how much I love talking to you… how good you look when you smile, how much I love your laugh… I day-dream about you off and on, replaying pieces of our conversation, laughing at funny things that you said or did…

 I’ve memorized your face and the way that you look at me… I catch myself smiling again at what I imagine… I wonder what will happen the next time we are together, I know one thing for sure, your the best thing that ever happened to me in a long time.

Some things in life are either taken way to seriously or not serious enough. So why worry so much about our everyday problems. I mean there is only so much time to be alive but plenty of time to be dead. So live every day like it is your last. Take way to many pictures, laugh to hard and love with all your heart.

Wait for the man who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep.

Wait for the man who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you’ re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you. The one who turns to his friends and says, ‘thats her…’

When you say I’m beautiful I say “yeah right,” but what I’m really saying is “do you really think so?” When you say good job I say “thanks” but what I’m really saying is “I love that you notice.” When you say we’ll be together forever I say “I hope so” but what I’m really saying is “I hope forever never ends.” When you say I love you I say “I love you too” but what I’m really saying is “never stop saying that.” When you say that I don’t care I say “yes I do” but what I’m really saying is “I care for you more than you’ll ever know.”

I am not one of those girls who spend hours dreaming about getting married, living in a perfect house with 2 and half children, a cat and a white picket fence, i am not one of those girls who has had their wedding planned since the age of 6 and fantasizes about it every second they get or the kind of girl who spends her whole class scribbling little hearts and kisses all over a peice of lined paper…but i found myself today…writing my first name with your last…

Life is for having fun. Don’t be stupid and waste it on some guy/girl who is gonna act like he/she hates you tomorrow.

Never waste it on some one who doesn’t want their friends to know they’re in love with you. Don’t give that person the rest of you tears or a month or a year of your life when he/she treats you badly and doesn’t mind to make you cry.

Every person deserves some one who wants to brag about them. Every person deserves some one who makes them smile and laugh at their worst moments. We all deserve at least that.

I love how you hold me. I love how you tell me I’m beautiful. I love how you look at me funny when I say something stupid. I love how you make me happy. I love how you smile when I see you. I love how you laugh when I say something random, or stupid. I love the face you make when I snort when I laugh. I love how you ask me if I’m alright when I cant stop laughing. I love how you make me feel. I love how you tell me I look cute. I love how you like my pajamas.

I love how you talk about music for hours. I love how you say sweet things to me. I love how you whisper in my ear when it’s really quiet. I love how you squeeze me so hard when I hug you. I love how I can talk to you for hours about anything, and you listen, and I listen. I love how we call each other as soon as we wake up. I love how you sound when I wake you up. I love how my dog has more sex with you than I do, just kidding. I love how you want to spend every day with me. I love how you squeeze my hand. I love how you rub my back, and kiss my neck. I love how you lay next to me, and tell me that everything’s perfect. I love how everything is perfect.

 I love how you see the person I really am. I love how you say we are perfect for each other. I love how you make me cry, but not because I’m upset or sad, or you hurt me, but because you made me the happiest person ever. I love how I wake up in the morning for you. I love how I anticipate seeing you. I love how you kiss me. I love how I look at the empty space in my bed, and wish you were filling it. I love how I get nervous when I see you, but feel more comfortable with you than I do with anyone else. I love how my parents love you. I love how you deal with my picky eating habits. I love how you worry about me, and take care of me.

 I love how you pay for me when we go places. I love how you insist everything will be alright, and make me feel at ease. I love how you keep me warm when I’m cold. I love how you give me weird looks at awkward moments. I love how you stop everything for me. I love how I’m important to you. I love how I make you happy. I love how you make me happy. I love how you make sure I stay in line.

I love how I only want to be with you. I love how I only think about you. I love how I stop everything because I get distracted and have to call you. I love how you get jealous. I love how you are when you are with your family. I love being with your family. I love how I can see myself with you forever. I love how we talk about being together forever. I love how you think I have cute feet. I love how you tickle me. I love how you get mad when someone says something to upset me. I love everything about you.

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Yeah, they look great, but that isn't a fantasy come true. No one could see her objectively anyway. Even those who saw her for the first time, before she had opened her mouth to sing. Found her radiant, as if her talent could not be contained in her voice and so poured like light though her skin. Then all that could be seen was the weight and the gloss of her hair and the pale pink of her cheeks and her beautiful hands.

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